
Thursday, January 12, 2012


One rainy day while start shopping for groceries I'm surrounded by a crowd who's under the impression that I can fly. It seems that a dredful mistake's been made, the local paper has printed an article about a person who really does has this enviable talent and they've put my photograph under the article. I'm not sure about how the newspaper came to have a picture of me, but that is the least of my worries faced as I am with this hackling crowd of strangers. I protest, but the crowd would give no quarter until I show them my incredible powers. At last, I gave into them and stand, flapping my arms and jumping as high as I can into the damp air. This goes on for some time and I become increasingly frightened, and now this enchanted crowd would atack me believing me to be a self-promoting charlatain. But in the end they struggle off. Thank to my lucky stars I rush home, too upset to continue my shopping.
That evening, alone, I once again tried to fly. It proves to be a futile excercise, but addictive- night after night I stand on my roof, flapping my arms and making small jumps on the tiles.
Try as I might.......I never managed to get airbone

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