
Friday, December 7, 2012

about Occupational Hazard (Stanley Donwood's last exhibition of the year)

Since I have some problems with uploading photos on, I will post the stuff here in the meantime, before understanding how to solve the uploading issue.
Well, I am just at home after a fantastic trip just to catch Occupational Hazard, which you probably know, was the last exhibition of this year by Stanley Donwood, and had its last day on 2nd December. The exhibition took place in the beautiful and colourful Brighton, at a very lovely and super interesting gallery, situated on North Road (96), and probably with the most welcoming, openminded, friendly and available gallerists I've ever met!
The exhibition contained so many of the well known pieces of art in the artist's carrier, rare works as well as some sold out works, the Goat Head was also there observing us from a high position, the 2 magnificent and magical Twisted Woods editions, the Golden Holaweg, the pop-art canvases upstairs and on the vetrina, Occupied Fortune, and the three dimensional Drawn in Woods and many many other. And obviously there were many new works for the occasion- new giclèe prints as Love Story, Scuffed Ink, Target Land, 1984, Patriotism and so on. These giclèe prints were a limited edition and were available only for the duration of the show.
There was also the work that brought the name of the exhibition- Occupational Hazard- represented on a plywood through acrylics.
And all was so beautiful and well...magical...we were immerged inside the world of art!
So here are some photos of the exhibition to feed your curiosity, but I advert you that the photos can not render the best all the atmosphere around, so if you've seen it you'll agree with me, if not- content yourself with the photos!
so here they  are:

Occupational Hazard: plywood+acryllic

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wikipedia risks again! The Italian Senate denies speech, thought and info freedom once again!

OK, when things go this way I get extremely mad. Today I was searching some useful information as what you can find most of all in Wikipedia, for its abbondance of information, curious facts, and speed of finding what you need. As I opened the page I saw this sad news. No news (TV) is talking about it at the moment (this is not a big surprise).
Not for the first time the Italian senate is trying to hide information. Not for the first time is trying to make lies legal, as you know a hidden truth transforms in a lie! Let's begin having the doubt that from now on every information you get to know is at least its half, if not less. We've always lived in a lie most of all offered by the government but this I think is the worst development it ever could have become of it. The article about this sad story you can read bellow, even though there aren't many options we could choose to change this, but the most valid act to rebel I think is to become more witty and begin searching all we need in every different language we know or not (you can always use google translate + your logic if you're not sure about the spelling and the meaning of the word or sentence of the language you'd like to use) and be sure that this could be the future key of gathering the more truthful information. 

OK, quando leggo cose del genere impazzisco! Oggi cercavo alcune informazioni utili come quelle che si possono trovare soprattutto su Wikipedia, per la sua abbondanza di informazione, fatti curiosi che presenta, e la super velocità in cui trovi sempre quello che ti serve.  Aperta la pagina ho visto questa triste notizia. Nessuna notizia (TV) ne parla al momento ( non è una grande sorpresa).
Non per la prima volta il senato italiano sta cercando di nascondere informazioni. Non per la prima volta, sta cercando di legittimare le bugie, perchè diciamocelo, la mezza verita è una bugia! Iniziamo a vivere nel dubbio che d'ora in poi tutte le informazioni in realtà non lo sono. Abbiamo sempre vissuto in tante bugie, in un mondo che non c'è e del quale non abbiamo la comlpeta immagine a 360°. Immagine dipintaci con le pennelate più colorate e varie sempre dal governo sì,  questo però credo sia il peggiore sviluppo che mai potesse prendere piede e forma. Dobbiamo cominciare ad avere paura di dire la verità, altrimenti come minimo la multa....già..
 L'articolo di questa triste storia si può leggere quì sotto (o andando su wikipedia se non l'avete ancora fatto per oggi), anche se non ci sono molte opzioni da scegliere per cambiare il detto. Credo però che l'atto più valido a ribellarsi al sistema come si può è quello di diventare più furbi e fare le ricerche su quello che ci interessa in ogni lingua diversa che conosciamo o no (si può sempre usare google translate + un pò di logica)  potrebbe essere futura chiave delle più veritiere ed affidabili informazioni.

in rainbows....yep


Radiohedz Quizzz

strasbourg soundcheck

Saturday, October 20, 2012

this on goes to the one I left behind

this one goes to the one I love!

screaming screens

the th0m pose

Radioheadz Quizzz (yes, another one)

scary shadows at the end of my bed

jonny greenwood is the controller!

the universal sigh (ooh)